RCCE® Level 1


Course Description

The RCCE® Level 1 course will delve into the basics of cybersecurity along with hands-on labs. You will gain an insight into hacking technologies and tools. Level 1 covers the foundation of hacking technologies. For instance, it looks at Web application attacks, Trojans and Malware, Denial of Service attacks, metasploit, firewalls, cryptography, cracking passwords, hacking the cloud etc. The RCCE® Level 1 is a mandatory requirement, to move to the Level 2 program. The course is 100% Linux based.

Most sought after Ethical Hacking Training & Certification to get your started with Cybersecurity.

Target Audience
There is a growing need for an equally sophisticated cybersecurity framework with the increased dependence on interconnected cloud technologies.
Individuals who wish to build a career in cybersecurity across the following industries:
    • Healthcare
    • Smart Cities
    • Industry 4.0
    • Transportation
    • Electronics
    • Governance
    • Automation
    • Robotics
    • Telecom
    • Smart Appliances
    • Department of Defense
    • Finance

A Bachelor’s degree with one year of professional experience or credential in computer science, engineering, mathematics, or other information technology related fields. You will need basic hacking, networking, system administration, and Linux skills.

In the RCCE® Level 1 program you will learn to:
    • Utilize vulnerabilities to identify if unauthorized activity is possible.
    • Carry out effective penetration tests.
    • Understand advanced cybersecurity solutions.
    • RCCE Level 1 imparts specialist knowledge on persistent privacy problems, malware vulnerabilities, cybersecurity vulnerabilities, insecure networks, penetration testing and many other problems.
    • Understand the types of cybersecurity threats and attacks, articial intelligence, cloud computing and different types of scripting languages.
    • Maintain private servers – a sure-re way of having completely encrypted communication.
    • Test business infrastructure, and the state of the server if the web connection is terminated.
    • Protect yourself from remote exploits by testing for vulnerabilities within your existing devices and infrastructure.
RCCE® Level 1
Module 1: Cybersecurity Threats, Attacks and Defenses
Module 2: Reconnaissance/Cloud Technologies
Module 3: Cyber Vulnerabilities
Module 4: Web Application Attacks
Module 5: Webshells, Spywares and Backdoors
Module 6: Denial of Service Attacks
Module 7: Packet Sniffers and Network Analyzers
Module 8: Password Cracking
Module 9: Wireless Hacking
Module 10: Cloud Firewalls and IDS
Module 11: Hacking Frameworks
Module 12: Cryptography
Module 13: Phishing Attacks
Module 14: Malware Analysis
Module 15: Hacking Smart Objects
Module 16: Hacking Power Grids
Module 17: Hacking Connected Cars
Module 18: Hacking Mobile Phones
Module 19: Hacking the Cloud Networks
Module 20: Patch Management
Module 21: IoT Hacking
Module 22: Penetration Testing
Module 23: Cybersecurity Policies and Procedures
Module 24: Incident Response
Module 25: AI in Cybersecurity
Module 26: Cyberthreat Intelligence
Module 27: Supply Chain Attacks
Module 28: Python Programming
Module 29: PHP/PERL Programming
Module 30: RUBY/Node JS Programming
Module 31: Linux Programming
Module 32: Powershell Programming
Module 33: Azure CLI Programming
Module 34: Containers
Module 35: Dockers
Module 36: Kubernetes
Module 37: Azure
Module 38: AWS
Module 39: Cloud Networks
Module 40: Artificial Intelligence
Module 41: Machine Learning
Module 42: GDPR
Module 43: SQL Injection Attacks
Module 44: Ransomware Attacks
Module 45: Botnets
Module 46: Fake News
Module 47: Cloudflare
Module 48: Cloud Backups
Module 49: Quantum Cryptography
Module 50: Network Defense
Module 51: Metasploit
Module 52: Cryptocurrency
Module 53: Blockchain
    • Exam can be taken on Rocheston Cyberclass or Pearson VUE testing platform.
    • Multiple Choice Objective Questions
    • Total count – approximately 90 questions for each exam
    • Pass Percentage: 72%
    • Retake Policy – You may retake the exam anytime on an additional fee.
    • The certification is valid for two years and it can be renewed online.
    • RCCE® Level 1 Exam will be conducted on the last day of the class.
    • Online Lectures-via MS teams /
    • Online Demonstrations using VMs /
    • Assignments
    • Students need to have their own PC/Laptop with below minimum Configurations,
      → CPU-core i3 or higher
      → RAM-8GB or higher
      → HDD-100GB Free Space(better if you are having SSD)
      → Headset with Microphone
      → Good Internet Connectivity